thoughts for a nearly-spring day
My hob nobs are getting stale.
My pants are getting wet from wintry days.
My bangle is banging against the fake-wooden desk.
My contacts are drying out in the stale office air.
My patience is wearing thin.
My rice pudding is nearly gone.
My fruit-and-vegetable-eating is non-existant.
My desire for something new is emptying my bank account.
My CPK make-your-own pizza wasn't worth five dollars.
Springtime is nearly here.
Sushi for 3 bucks was yummy.
Make Yours Like Mine is deliciously good.
I'm not sick of all music.
Good shows are coming up.
My friends/family have started playing with garage band.
The IC is cool.
The semester is half over.
I can sometimes go to the other French section.
The snow is pretty and probably won't last long.
I'm saving my money to travel this summer (or will be once my next paycheck is in).
I have a friend in the diamond business.
I am deciding now to do a lot of fun things soon- like camping.
My car's back window is fixed, after having been shot by a trained assassin with a bb gun. The assassin missed me though.
My duffle bag of warm weather clothes came out.
I don't have to pay rent for a few months.
I might get a gym membership.
Life is good/great/beautiful/magnificent.
I'm going to start taking more pictures.
Last friday was lovely.
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