in the mood for love
I rewatched this amazingly beautiful Chinese movie called In the Mood for Love. It was at the IC winter semester, and at that point in my life I was as the title suggested, as are most people at almost any stage of their life. Four months and a heartbreak later I searched the shelves of the suggested movie section. The first time we saw it, we noticed the beautiful choice of Nat King Cole songs in Spanish. The second time, we guessed at the songs, waiting impatiently for "Quizas, Quizas, Quizas." It finally arrived at a crucial moment at which the two friends must decide whether to remain faithful to their spouses (who are cheating on them with eachother) or to have an affair. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. I take note of the songs and search out a cd that contains Nat King Cole en espagnol. Just another album to add to one of my lists. One of many lists of things I want to read, watch, purchase, listen to, or check out from the library. Strewn about my room, the office desk, and wherever else I accidentally left one. So here is today's...
To Do in the Next Few Days
Watch more Arrested Development
Read Northanger Abbey
Not spend any more money (besides what is necessary, like Pizza Night)
Not fantasize about Mark Darcy (this includes driving past house, calling his phone with *67, or checking blog every five minutes to see if a new one has appeared)
Avoid certain people at all costs
Clean room
Drink lots and lots of water
Don't check myspace 50 times a day
Buy more movies
Buy more cds
Use time wisely (read, take a nap, watch movies)
Do not call people who don't call you
Don't read people's blogs who don't read yours
Be nice to mother
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