Friday, February 09, 2007

local shows

I might be done with most local shows for a long time. The glitter isn't there anymore, just a bunch of high schoolers wearing chest-baring V-neck t-shirts, skinny jeans, leggings, and ugly boots. I have no desire to spend $5 every time I want to be sociable.


dre said...


you know, i feel the same way. i mean, i don't go to as many shows as you, but sometimes i leave with a feeling that is less than satisfactory. i'd like to go to a truly good show, or nothing at all. or do sudoku.

also i'd like to go to a truly good dance party.

sincerely, andrea truly.

my ghostwriter said...

thank you for hosting a dance party that appeased the varying sociable masses. it was fantastic. let's do that again. soon.

love, amy