Thursday, February 08, 2007

why is it

That everytime you mention to a guy that you might be going on a mission they get taken aback. You can see them physically jolt. Any reason?


dre said...

i think i know why. ask me.

my ghostwriter said...

A: because they're getting struck by lightning for thinking bad thoughts. it's totally and completely their own faults.

Nate H. said...

I stumbled on this post, which is by now really old. You may not see it, but I'm posting my answer anyway.

Due to shifting gender roles, males are increasingly insecure about their relation to females. A girl indicates by going on a mission that she is capable of making decisions that aren't centered around men. For a man who is raised to think that assertiveness and independence are masculine, an indepedent, assertive woman (such as a sister missionary) threatens such a man with his obsolescence. It's nobody's fault.